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Product Reviews (32)
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- golfdotz
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Barbara E
Verified Buyer
Indianapolis, IN
Shawna A
Verified Buyer
Montreal, QC
I love them, but I received the wrong order for one of my picks and no one has ever responded to my message. I ordered the letter “s” and received the letter “c” and haven’t gotten a reply. The other kens I got were all great and I do recommend them but a little displeased with customer service
Margi R
Verified Buyer
Bradenton, FL
Kathy M
Verified Buyer
Cave Creek, AZ
Carole S
Verified Buyer
Palmyra, VA
I used Golfdotz and they did NOT come off! I was very careful to press and push wherever a potential air bubble might slip in. I also rubbed and held my finger over it to give warmth so it would adhere well. Seems to be holding up. Mine is the Piggy wings which I love due to a family joke and it certainly is easy for everyone to recognize who the ball belongs to! One more thing . . . I accidentally ripped off a corner while applying, but retrieved it and carefully placed it where it needed to go - with patience I had success!
Jeff R
Verified Buyer
Marion, OH
Cathy R
Verified Buyer
Robin M
Verified Buyer
Auburndale, FL
Chic K
Verified Buyer
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